16 Reasons Why I Quit Emirates Cabin Crew Job

I will admit that I struggled with leaving. I was filled with a lot of doubts and fears. I have self-doubt; what if I did not survive the post-cabin crew life? What other career path could I take besides flight attendanting? Will I miss earning such a great salary? What if I changed my mind and decided I wanted to go back?

Van Vo
13 min readMay 31, 2019
One of my last flights in Emirates Uniform.

Travel the world for free while getting a good salary?

Waking up in different cities every week just to go shopping or sightseeing

Living in Dubai with free accommodations provided and tons of days off just to party all night

…Your Instagram is filled with travel pictures and stories. Everyone envies your lifestyle.

You walk in the airports glamorously; people even take photos of you as if you were a celebrity.

This is most definitely not your average 9-to-5 job. Free from the office and the boss; no taking work home with you.

Those tricked me, but I eventually gave up. Does it make you wonder?

Humans are rational creatures. We tend to weigh the pros and cons and choose what is best for us. However, the hardest part is to take a risk, take action, and accept the consequences of your decision. Things are going to be alright. There will not be perfect timing. Adjust and adapt yourself over time, and always have a backup plan.

This article is for those who are still wondering whether or not they should resign. It is all my personal opinion. I added some insights. You can analyze and raise questions to reach your own conclusion.

Here are the reasons why being an Emirates Cabin crew member and living in Dubai were not as glamorous as I thought they were:

1. Long working hours in the air and exposure to health risks

Ultra-long-haul flights to South and North America, Australia, and New Zealand continue to be an absolute challenge. Spending at least 14 hours flying is not a pleasant experience. Direct flights to Auckland from Dubai take approximately 16 to 17 hours to arrive, plus getting up to work, the time occupied in the airport, and commute time to the hotels. You do the math. We are most exposed to radiation on long-haul flights at more northern latitudes, as the earth’s atmosphere is thicker over the equator and thinnest over the poles. The rate of developing cancers among cabin crew is significantly high. I took at least one extra-long-haul flight every month. Jet lag was persistent. Plus, probable carcinogens (a substance that can cause you to suffer from cancer) and poor air quality in the cabin just ruin our immune system faster.

2. Unhealthy airplane food

Emirates Flight Catering Center prepares at least 170.000 meals a day. The taste changes when the airplane is airborne. Industrial kitchens add more salt and sugar to preserve the flavor. Meals are kept chilled for five days beforehand. In Economy Class, the casseroles are preserved in plastic containers. All were placed into in-flight ovens for at least 30 minutes at the minimal temperature of 150 oC before serving. It causes a chemical change. Crews love munching on these meals on particular flights. Bringing your own food was occasional, not consistent. Most flight attendants develop digestive problems during this time. I am able to cook quality food more often now. I stopped ruining myself because of the desalinated liquid in Dubai.

3. Sleep deprivation affects mental health

Most of my friends and colleagues periodically visit doctors. We get sick pretty often. Scientific evidence proves: “ Circadian rhythm interruptions lead to depression and fatigue induced by jet lag, and frequent travel schedules lead to chronic anxiety and other complications.” Quitting flying makes the schedule less messy. You will be able to enjoy holidays and off-weekends. Sleeplessness and fatigue drain you emotionally. Sleep deprivation could affect every particular system in your body. It causes depression, a lack of motivation, and weakens the abilities of the brain that handle reasoning. This leads to the abnormal processing of emotions.

4. Lack of self-investment

Everyone wants to be a better version of themselves. I was not able to stick to my goals because of the hectic schedule and back-to-back flights. I am very grounded and seek stability. I feel more connected and have plans every day to stay on track. The cabin crew job is repetitive; it does not challenge you that much to grow as an intellectual. You have to deal with rosters and sleeping debt, leaving little space for personal developments. Now that I've quit, all the clutter from the job is being removed gradually. You can focus on your life more consciously.

5. The Comfort Zone

I admitted that the company provided really attractive benefits (at least when I joined). Free accommodations, the good salary that comes monthly on the 26th, free transportation, and a decent layover allowance You only need to pay for your personal expenses. Many expensive laborers come from South Asia and the Philippines. They are able to do all the unpleasant jobs. Everything is door-delivered. It makes us very idle and dependent. We barely exercise our brains to handle easy tasks. It is normal to procrastinate on personal goals or projects because of fatigue.

6. Living in a bubble

We do have many daily expenses to worry about. Tax, rent, electricity, petrol, clothes, membership fees, food, transportation, healthcare, insurance—you name it. Cabin crew in Dubai usually spend for night outs, leisure, or impulsive purchases. It is carefree. The reality of life starts slipping away. You are always in your comfort zone; soon it becomes a pink bubble. It is hard to walk away from it. Flying is a good way to see the world a bit (more like seeing different fancy hotels). It never brings the best out of you.

7. Losing track

Once you sign the contract, your life is basically in the hands of the company. They tell you what to do, where to go, and when to work. You wait for a new roster monthly. It usually comes with heartache. Reserve month is even worse since you will be put on standby literally every day. It is impossible to plan breaks or do stuff. Flying and countless sleepless nights drain your energy, leaving little room for self-motivation. You tend to compromise with whatever plan appears. It takes discipline not to procrastinate on personal tasks. I tried many times to start a blog, but I kept making excuses. It took massive determination to do things differently.

This job sent me to places that I would never imagine I could visit in my lifetime.
Location: Arthur’s Pass Village, New Zealand

8. Instant friendships

“I am here for a great time, not for a long time.” — A typical fast-culture mindset. It is rare to have a great friendship with people in Dubai. You fly with new colleagues every time. We befriend so quickly. They reveal all of their secrets in just a few hours of knowing you on the flight. We sometimes keep in touch afterward. Both have to make an effort. We might see each other again (I mean if). Unmatched rosters, excuses, tiredness, private plans, me-time—our “friendships” just slip away as fast as they appear. I felt like we were just layover friends. Perhaps we need a company. Someone to take our photos with or to hang out with

9. Distant from your family

If you are family-oriented, you will miss out on most of the family get-togethers, holidays, and anniversaries. People think they can fly home easily, but tight rosters, overbooked flights, and standby tickets make it hard to get on. The system was created to maximize company profits and efficiency. It does not necessarily benefit the employees. If you are adventurous, you tend to spend your holidays discovering new places. The chances of going home are even slimmer. Skype and other popular video call apps are blocked in the UAE. It is hard to get in touch with your family every day. Every decision that you make needs to be based on your monthly roster. It is not always possible to plan ahead.

10. Solitary life

A flight attendant is an occupation that has a 50.5% divorce rate. It is hard to make your partner understand your bizarre lifestyle unless he or she has the same occupation. Short-distance is tricky; long-distance is a no-no; making time for someone becomes a challenge. It is typical to have affairs with other crew members, especially during layovers. We do get lonely and have many options. No one knows what we do behind the scenes.

11. Inauthenticity

Dubai is an artificial city with many man-made islands; it is almost too hot to go out and do anything. Since summer lasts for half a year, you spend days in malls swiping cards. August is the hottest month, with an average temperature of 96°F (36°C). If you are a nature lover or an outdoor person, you will suffer. It is the city made for cars, surrounded by vehicles, concrete buildings, and sketchy constructions. Soulfulness, culture, and authenticity among subjectivities are hard to find. People who could not earn a decent living back in their home country (including me) are attracted to Dubai. Showing off is a part of the culture: “all about the biggest, the richest, the tallest, the shiniest.” Elegance is somehow defined by simplicity and minimalism, but here, superficial people worship money. It is about driving fancy cars, making purchases, and looking badass.

12. When you spend, you SPEND

It is a city with a high cost of living. Cabin crews only get paid when the aircraft door is closed, as well as a minimal per diem while on layovers. The introduction of the new 5% VAT tax implemented last year in the UAE also had an impact. Organic and fresh products are costly. Most of the stuff is imported. Many people live up to a standard that they cannot afford back home but are too scared to walk away. Hardly anyone would want to live and build the rest of their life in Dubai. It is among the world’s most expensive cities to live for ex-pats.

My very last month living in Dubai. It was a blast. La Mer, Dubai, UAE

13. Restrictions

Websites that publish content deemed to be contrary to the morals, public decency, or values of the country are blocked in the UAE. I used to click on a dating advice sort of website, and it was blocked for no reason. You need to obtain a license to drink alcohol (though people still drink without getting caught). Emirates is a government-owned company with huge and complex departments. It is mandatory for you to strictly follow the rules. However, rules have been changed constantly. Consistency is an issue. It was hard to follow up. The worst thing was some seniors on the flight and cabin crew managers. They abuse their power with zero leadership skills. Do not act smart because they will get intimidated. If you are at the bottom of the food chain, be quiet and do your job. Do not speak up.

14. Toxic working environment

Trade unions, collective associations, and workers’ councils are illegal in the United Arab Emirates. Any industrial action (such as conducting a strike) is viewed as a public disorder offense. Reporting each other is also the norm within the company. You will be called off to the cabin crew manager’s office on your days off to solve issues that have happened in the cabin weeks or months before. A lot of double standards and backstabbing are going on. Seniors and managers from higher hierarchies overuse their power. They see you as a number, not an employee. Your opinion will not matter as you are just a “dumb foreigner”.

15. Passengers from hell

Customer service is tough; everyone knows it. Working on an airplane means you will get stuck with people in a metal tube. Once passengers step into the aircraft, they suddenly turn into kids. Everyone wants a piece of you. They break rules and act like they know everything. You are nothing but a dumb airline waiter. They blame you for everything: flight delays, crying infants, smelly feet from the last row, ex-boyfriend break-up stories, guys that snore, vegetarian meals, rude ground staff, I want my “vater” (water)... You name it. The worst part is that the airline itself spoils them. At the end of the day, it is all about business and profits. Who cares about how cabin crews feel?

16. Life after flying

The post-crew experience is not going to be easy. The longer you work as a crew, the harder it is to get back on your feet after the resignation, unless you have a specific plan, a business idea, a new job, a skill that earns you money, or some save-ups. Otherwise, it would be hellish. Experience working as a crew in Dubai, in reality, is not valued. Sometimes it is considered an employment gap.

The current job’s climate changes quickly on the ground, and the competition is extremely tough. Life was smooth and easy as a crew in Dubai. In order to walk away from it. There is a price to pay to face reality. You might need to start all over again from scratch.

It is not the job for everybody.

Cabin crew is a great job, especially for young people. You get to see so many places in such a short time when you live in a unique city like Dubai. High income and attractive benefits. You encounter different types of people and are exposed to diverse cultures. Your perspective changes while traveling.

However, any job has its own pros and cons. I am grateful to have taken that path as a cabin crew member. In my humble opinion, three to five years is the best time to work as a cabin crew in Dubai, a job that requires you to be mentally and physically healthy.

For those who plan to quit.

Think properly and have a backup plan before you make a decision. Have at least a decent savings account, a property, a start-up business, a diploma or degree, a practical skill, a technical certificate—aanything that lands you a job or helps you sustain yourself. It is going to be a bit ugly for a few months or even years after you quit. Then you should be able to get back on your feet.

I heard many stories about ex-crews wanting to rejoin because they cannot find a job or have lost it after resignation. Do you want to put yourself in this situation? Think about the worst-case scenario: If you were going to be unemployed for a year, what would you do? Find out all the possibilities before making this crucial decision.

This blog post “7 Questions to ask yourself before you quit your flight attendant job” is really helpful for those who plan to submit the resignation or still considering.

Also watch these popular videos about “5 reasons why I quit Emirates Cabin Crew Job” and “Emirates Cabin Crew Why I Left” on Youtube for a better point of view.

The cabin crew job gave me an opportunity to discover new lands that I would never be able to do alone in such a short time.

I decided to leave this lifestyle behind and go digital. I did it for my own happiness. Dubai Frame, Dubai, UAE

Words from my fellow co-workers:

I made a little survey within the crew community on some of the top reasons that made them quit or want to quit the job:

“Feeling completely disrespected, disregarded and undervalued by the company in every aspect of the job. This feeling of being treated like I was nothing more than a staff number and less than human really impacted my well being and made me feel really angry at times.” — Inès Guendouz

“I live too far away, and my parents are getting older. I’m the one in charge of their finances in case something happens, and if something happens, I can’t fly out on a whim. If there’s a seat. Oh and by if something happens, if they die and not get injured or something else.” — Laura Elizabeth

“Perks fading away: no salary increase, no upgrade, no bonus; medical, travel and leisure benefits change. Discounted tickets difficult to use or (no leave, not enough days off or no chance because of full flights).” — Jemalin Grace Czerwonka

“I had something else that I wanted to pursue and felt like I couldn’t dedicate my time to it as I was either flying or trying to sleep for a flight or passed out sleeping after a flight and so on.” — Thais Duarte

“Night flights and public holidays with no extra pay especially when going for a flight at 3 am is seriously so much worse than a 8 am flight.” — Stef Steigner

“I am an outdoor person who prefers to walk over driving, sit on the grass rather than on the sofa. I can’t go out to Dubai from March to October. I hate living in this place and miss green rain snow, seasons, running through the forest, jumping in a lake, a good snowball fight, open a bottle of wine on the blanket in the park …. “ — Fabian Paul

“By the way, if you don’t feel like you can’t do it anymore. Quit! There are lots of things in the world you can do. Don’t waste your time with something you don’t enjoy. Right now my passion is makeup and pursuing to be professional MUA.” — Mintmintmint Anya

“I have a degree, diploma, speak multiple languages and have tons of work experience. But I can’t get back to my field (non-profit/NGO) because they consider EK experience an employment gap, so it seems like I shot myself in the leg.” — Ghazal Ka

“The main issue for me is the toxic atmosphere that’s leeched in over the last few years. The way the top brass view the bread and butter of the company with disregard and contempt is quite frankly disgusting and I don’t wish to be a part of that a day longer than necessary.” — Stevie Leonard

“I have done 15 years and 5 months, Purser, resigned at 38 yo, no other plans yet, my goal is to take care of my health, recover from all the flying, spend time with my husband and son, and hopefully conceive another little human.” — Maeva Brondel

Bottom line

Every job has its advantages and disadvantages. There is no such perfect job. Things that you look at sometimes are not as they seem. You know what they say—the grass is greener on the other side. I am extremely grateful for having had an opportunity that has changed me forever.

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change”

Albert Einstein

